About Bright Beginnings

Brenda Franklin,ex primary and pre-primary teacher, developed and began her Bright Beginning Toddler programme in 1994

As a mother of two boys, than aged 3-6, she not only had studied and taught pre-primary but subsequently she had enjoyed attending mother and toddler workshops, music and gym groups with her own sons.The magic of these shared experiences inspired Bright Beginnings as a career path.

Based on sound educational principles, the programme strives to develop all aspects of child development in a fun, natural way.

This programme became highly respected in Cape Town and parents and toddlers travelled from across the peninsula to attend the workshops in Newlands. Word of mouth alone ensured that the client base grew from initial 6 parents and toddlers at the opening session in 1994 to over 150 parents and their children(11 groups) in 2008.

2008 saw the close of Newlands Bright Beginnings when Brenda got divorced.She sold the program to Safiya Mangera.

Safiya Mangera is a mother of 3 beautiful girls.An educator who studied ECD and a Mind Moves Master teacher.

Safiya begin her career as an educator by running a mother and toddler programme at a local school.She realized how much she enjoyed teaching this class and she felt passionate about this programme. This led to her accepting that this certainly was her calling.

Her passion ignited a spark within her which led her to coming  across  the Bright Beginnings programme. Safiya had bought the programme from Brenda in 2008 and in 2009 this programme was definitely a “Bright Beginning” for her too.

She started with 10 learners.In 10 years, her school has grown and has approximately +-60 learners.She runs the parent toddler enrinchment program for the following ages:

  • 18-30 months(baby group)
  • 30 months-4 years(toddler group)

She also has a playgroup that is run 3 times a week for ages 3-4 years old.

In 2019 Safiya had taken the decision to sell the program while she still runs and facilitates the Lenasia branch.The reason for this is because for her Bright Beginning is her “happy place” and she wants to share this sense of happiness with others by granting them the opportunity to have their own Bright Beginnings school.She has made this decision so that she may watch this programme soar to great heights and grant others their own “Bright Beginning”.